Publications And Contributions



Interactive and Tool-Agnostic ML-Driven Workflow for Automated HPC Performance Modeling
Zhaobin Zhu and S. Neuwirth
Research Poster Paper, 2024 IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC24) (accepted for publication)

Leveraging Portals4 Microbenchmarks to Enhance GASPI Performance on BXI Networks
Niklas Bartelheimer and S. Neuwirth
Research Poster Paper, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) (accepted for publication)

Tarazu: An Adaptive End-to-End I/O Load Balancing Framework for Large-Scale Parallel File Systems
A. K. Paul* and S. Neuwirth*, B. Wadhwa, F. Wang, S. Oral, and A. R. Butt
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS), Vol. 20, No. 2, Article 11 (May 2024), 42 pages [Open Access]
*Authors contributed equally.

Automated Network Performance Characterization for HPC Systems [Paper]
N. Bartelheimer, Z. Zhu, and S. Neuwirth
International Journal of Networking and Computing, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pages 2-25 [Open Access]

Invited Talks and Presentations

Transforming HPC with Holistic Performance Engineering and the Pursuit of Reproducibility [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, Scientific Computing Seminar 2024 @ RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Empowering Change: A Personal Story of Breaking Barriers in HPC [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Keynote talk, 1st Proud and Strong in Computing Conference (PSCC 2024)

Breaking Limits: Scaling HPC Performance Engineering Horizons to Maximize Potential [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, Minisymposium "Breaking the HPC Silos for Outstanding Results", PASC 2024 Conference

Künstliche Intelligenz und Ressourceneffizienz im Einklang [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
TOPML-Ringvorlesung „Transparenz, Datensicherheit & Co.: Umsetzbare Anforderungen an KI-Systeme?“

Exploring Data Paths in HPC Systems using the IO500 [Slides]
S. Neuwirth*, H. Devarajan*, J. Lofstead*
Expert talk, HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop (HPC-IODC 2024), held in conjunction with ISC High Performance Conference 2024 (ISC24)
*Authors contributed equally.

Harnessing Synergy and Exploring Research Frontiers in Parallel I/O, Storage, and Networks
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, Fraunhofer ITWM - Competence Center for HPC, Kaiserslautern

Bridging the Gap: Parallel Storage, Monitoring Tools, and the Quest for Reproducibility? [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, SOS26 Workshop (invitation-only workshop series on distributed supercomputing)

Navigating the Landscape: Parallel File System Research and Education in Europe and Germany [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, EOFS Workshop "Offene Parallele Dateisysteme: Status, Entwicklungstrends und Aspekte der Informatikausbildung"

Status Update on SRA6 Research Domain I/O and Storage [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited lightning talk, ETP4HPC Conference 2024



Characterization of Large-Scale HPC Workloads With Non-Naïve I/O Roofline Modeling and Scoring [Pre-print]
Z. Zhu and S. Neuwirth
29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023)

Toward Reproducible Benchmarking of PGAS and MPI Communication Schemes [Pre-print]
N. Bartelheimer and S. Neuwirth
29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023)

An I/O Performance Evaluation of Varying CephFS Striping Patterns [Pre-print] [Slides]
D. Biswas, S. Neuwirth, A. K. Paul, A. R. Butt
3rd Workshop on Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads (REX-IO 2023), held in conjunction with IEEE CLUSTER 2023

Modeling The Impact of System-level Parameters on I/O Performance of HPC Applications [Pre-print] [Slides]
D. Biswas, A.K. Paul, S. Neuwirth, A. R. Butt
31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2023)

Toward the Integration of Quantum Processors into the Modular Supercomputing Architecture [Poster]
P. Döbler* and S. Neuwirth*, and Th. Lippert
Research Poster, ISC High Performance Conference 2023 (ISC23)
*Authors contributed equally.

MAWA-HPC: Modular and Automated Workload Analysis for HPC Systems [Poster]
Z. Zhu* and N. Bartelheimer* and S. Neuwirth*
Research Poster, ISC High Performance Conference 2023 (ISC23)
*Authors contributed equally.

An Empirical Roofline Model for Extreme-Scale I/O Workload Analysis [Pre-print]
Z. Zhu, N. Bartelheimer, and S. Neuwirth
4th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis (ESSA'23), held in conjunction with IPDPS'23

Toward a Modular Workflow for Network Performance Characterization [Pre-print]
N. Bartelheimer, Z. Zhu, and S. Neuwirth
25th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM'23), held in conjunction with IPDPS'23

Modular Supercomputing and its Role in Europe’s Exascale Computing Strategy [Paper]
S. Neuwirth
Proceedings of Science, vol. 430 (LATTICE2022), p.245, published April 06, 2023

Invited Talks and Presentations

Holistic HPC Performance Engineering and Reproducible Benchmarking: Opportunities and Challenges [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk @ ZIH Colloquium Series, TU Dresden 

Characterizing HPC I/O Workloads through Holistic and Reproducible Performance Engineering [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited seminar talk, Sandia National Laboratories 

HPC Performance Engineering im Zeitalter von Exascale-Systemen und Künstlicher Intelligenz [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, Gesellschaft für Informatik - Regionalgruppe Rhein-Main 

Unleashing the Potential of Exascale Scientific Research through HPC Performance Engineering
S. Neuwirth
Invited talk, 5th Annual Meeting of M3ODEL (Mainz Institute of Multiscale Modeling)

Leveraging HPC Performance Engineering to Support Exascale Scientific Discovery [Slides]
S. Neuwirth
Keynote talk, Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC’23) Conference 

Holistic Performance Engineering and Analysis: from UX to low-level Performance Data
T. Allen, J. Lofstead, S. Neuwirth
Panelist, 3rd Workshop on Performance EngineeRing, Modelling, Analysis, and VisualizatiOn STrategy (PERMAVOST 2023), held in conjunction with 32nd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'23)

The Future of Open-Source Filesystems for HPC – Competition, Cooperation or Consolidation?
P. Carns, P. Jones, S. Neuwirth, Ph. Falk, C. Fan, S. Oeste, M. Hennecke
Panelist, ISC High Performance Conference 2023 (ISC'23)

Prior to 2023