Interested in working with us? We are hiring PhD students /
PostDocs (full-time) and student research assistants!

 HPC|A Research Group @ ZDV


Prof. Dr. Sarah Neuwirth

Full Professor | Group Lead | Co-Director NHR@SW HPC Center
Zentrum für DatenverarbeitungFachbereich 08 - Informatik
Office: ZDV, Room 01 339 +49 6131 39-23643 neuwirth[at]

Niklas Bartelheimer, M.Sc.

Research Staff | PhD Candidate EUPEX Project
Zentrum für DatenverarbeitungFachbereich 08 - Informatik
Office: ZDV, Room 01 341 +49 6131 39-31203 bartelheimer[at]

Martin Machajewski, M.Sc.

Research Staff | PhD Candidate | NHR@SW HPC Center
Zentrum für DatenverarbeitungFachbereich 08 - Informatik
Office: ZDV, Room 01 311 +49 6131 39-23394 machajewski[at]

Zhaobin Zhu, M.Sc.

Research Staff | PhD Candidate(currently on leave / research stay at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Zentrum für DatenverarbeitungFachbereich 08 - Informatik
Office: ZDV, Room 01 341 +49 6131 39-25418 zhu[at]

HPC Group @ ZDV

We are closely working together with the HPC Group at the ZDV. The team can be found here.